What will you get from GroceryAssistant
Google Maps integration helps you to look which grocery stores are the closest to you. Also, you can easily open the store you select with the Google Maps app and it will give you the direction to the store!
We provide with accurate information for the nearby
stores with the help of Google Cloud's Places API.
The information includes store's address, website,
telephone number, rating, and opening hours.
We provide you with a personal grocery list which
helps you to plan your grocery and stay focused on
what you really need.
You can easily search and add any items to your list.
Also, sorting your list by name, price, and recently
You can look for any items by their department category. For example, deli, dairy, frozen, meat, and produce.
1. You can check the price and also if an item is on
2. Make healthy choices by checking the nutrition
3. Easily know where the items are located in the
There is a lot of recipes for you to make! We give you the list of ingredients and step-by-step instruction to make your dish of choice.
Take a tour of GroceryAssistant